Part of moving forward with businesses slowing starting to re-open is managing the health and safety of all employees and customers, we can do this by controlling the risk in the workplace.
On the footer of any of our web pages is a link to our risk assessment and it has been designed to help make our work and workplace safe and Covid-secure.
There are a few changes that will also help our customers feel safe, whilst working with Deadline:
1. Deadline will collect packages from customers to prevent anyone having to visit our offices.
2. Deadline will minimise the number of visits to the offices. Account Managers will still be available to have meetings via video conference calls.
3. Deadline will provide clear signage on all our guidance available and all hand washing and sanitisations available on site. There will be clear entrance and exit signage at all our offices.
4. Deadline will only allow essential operational staff to attend the workplace, everyone that can, will continue to work from home.
5. Deadline will space desks to maintain a 2 metre distance and increase the frequency of hand washing and signs to remind staff of the need to regularly wash their hands. Furthermore there will be no shared work stations.
6. Our drivers will stay in their vehicles and not enter customers building or Deadline’s offices if at all possible. We will provide handwashing facilities for drivers who have to bring any goods into the premises as well as providing them with gloves and facemasks on premises for customers if required. Our Managers will ensure that our drivers follow cleaning procedures for vehicles and that we keep deliveries requiring signatures to a minimum.
For full details, please read our risk assessment which can be found in the footer of any of our web pages.